January 22, 2024

Overcoming Adversity to Soar in 2024

Shailja Sharma

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Each new year brings with it changes that must be embraced whether they are welcome or not. January is always the month of new beginnings, and most people try to start off their new year in a positive way. However, this may not always be possible. If you are facing difficult circumstances and are wondering how to turn the negatives into positives and want to find that inner resilience you know that you have deep down inside of you, this article will give you a few tips to go boldly into the rest of the year. As a Leadership and Career Coach, I have worked with many people that have faced adversity in every arena of their lives and have found the courage and confidence to persevere and continue pushing forward to achieve their dreams. Hopefully, this article will inspire you to make 2024, a fantastic year, no matter what comes your way.

Set your Intentions. At the beginning of every year, resolutions are made, and goals are set. However, I would urge you to start with setting your intentions. This will help you to determine how you want your year to unfold rather than being passive and allowing yourself to become a victim of your circumstances. No matter the difficulties that you may be facing, remember you are still a conscious creator of your life.

An intention is an aim or purpose that is aligned with your values. It is the process of creating a clear and focused mental or emotional intent for a goal or outcome. For example, an intention can be a type of personal affirmation: I intend to be more grateful.

Intention setting can also help you to move towards the person you want to become. Take some time to set intentions for your relationships, self-image, behaviour, health, work life, short and long-term goals and anything that really matters to you and is in your control.

Remove Toxic People from your Life. For you to move forward in life, you need to remove all the dead weight that keeps pulling you down. The people that you interact with the most can have a profound impact on your life. Cultivate your inner circle with care, pay attention to how people affect and influence you. Remove anyone that tries to manipulate, control, or influence you in a negative manner.

This can be particularly difficult if the person in question is a family member or work colleague that you must deal with every day. When you cannot remove people that have a detrimental effect on you, learn to set boundaries and enforce those boundaries. Limit engaging with these people. The energy you allow in your life will affect your destiny. Remember you have the power to choose.

Create a Circle of Support. Just as there are people in your life that hinder your progress, and affect you negatively, there are wonderful people that will champion your success and encourage you. Seek these people and intentionally cultivate good relationships with them. Remember that a relationship is like a bank. You make both withdrawals and deposits. Try to be good to people and help them. When you need help, you will find these people will be there for you. Social connection and support are important for your well-being and mental health.

Slow Down. When you are facing stressful times, problems can seem overwhelming. A helpful tool to combat overwhelm is to break down the problem into bite-size pieces. Trying to tackle many difficult problems all at once, can make one become paralysed and despondent. Take one day at a time. When you conquer a small challenge, it will give you confidence to move onto the next issue. As time passes your self- confidence and resilience will grow.

Find the Little Joys in your Life. When you become mindful and intentionally slow down, you will notice the magic in the mundane and the many overlooked blessings in your daily life. Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to build your resilience and positivity.

We live in an age of speed, instant gratification, and hustle culture. If you slow down and really pay attention to your life and appreciate it, you will not be so busy that you miss all the beauty and good in your life. I like the Chinese proverb that says – “Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” You can still make progress while enjoying your life. Find ways to make your daily life more joyful.

One of the trends that many people are embracing post-Covid, is the slow living movement. The harrowing experiences of the global pandemic have led people to embrace simplicity and the act of consciously stopping to savour life. Balance your productivity with peace by choosing to focus on what is truly important to you and letting go of the rest.

Embrace your Passion. When you let go of the unimportant things in life, and truly focus on what will move the needle in your life to get you to where you want to be, and unlock your passion, you will begin to soar. When you are doing what you really love, the process of doing it becomes the reward. You will stop living for the destination and start loving the journey. Each year of your life, each day of your life and each moment in your life is worth treasuring. Even in difficult circumstances, consciously look for the good in your life. You give life to what you pay attention to. Embrace your passion and use it to re-energize you in tough times.

No matter what cards life has dealt you this year, remember that you are an overcomer, and that life has seasons. These seasons constantly change. Tough times do not last forever, and you can use the time to build yourself. When the season changes, do not forget the lessons life has taught you, and use them to bless and encourage someone else. I have found that in life nothing is wasted, and that you will be placed in a position to bless someone else when you have overcome something difficult. Therefore, take courage, believe in your dreams no matter what obstacles arise, and soar in 2024.

Article by Shailja Sharma, Leadership and Career Coach

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