Transform your professional life by enrolling in one of our cutting-edge programmes to cultivate the right skill-set, knowledge base and confidence to lead your organization into the future.
Our programmes are delivered in partnership with leading institutions around the world which will enrich your experience and perspective.
What Alumni are saying
“I owe a lot to the Owner Manager Programme (OMP) for the networking opportunities it exposed me to. A majority of my fellow participants are now my clients; I interact with them often and give them tax and audit services.”
“The Masters in Public Policy Management (MPPM) bolstered my leadership skills and Strathmore’s delivery of course content gives a practical outlook of strategic management simplifying the highly technical aspects of public policy management.”
“Being the first cohort to undertake the Senior Management Leadership Programme (SMLP) during the Covid-19 pandemic really offered a fresh perspective to learning and working virtually. The programme gave guidance on management during a pandemic and the adjustment to virtual operations.”
“The camaraderie from the Advanced Management Programme (AMP) opened me up to different styles of management. SBS accommodated participants to create new and diverse networks from Kenya, Nigeria and Barcelona offering a refreshing outlook to global business strategies”