The Institute of Healthcare Management (IHM) continues to play a leading role in healthcare research and research capacity strengthening within the Business School.
Firstly, it is also involved in the design and execution of world class Academic and Executive training Programmes
Secondly, Institute of Healthcare Management is involved in securing scholarships, PhD training slots, various ongoing and inception-stage research projects and publications.
In addition, it secures its mandate through close collaboration with several universities, donors and research institutes both locally and abroad. Apart from these activities, IHM is working with collaborators to find resources to help with the establishment of the Strathmore School of Global Public Healthcare.
Our Value Proposition
IHM has and will continue to provide solutions to national and international healthcare and development issues through research, consultancies, seminars, policy development and most importantly student and faculty exchanges.
We will facilitate the establishment of a research Chair in logistics at Strathmore University through strategic partnerships with industry, development partners and relevant healthcare philanthropic organizations.
Areas of Focus
Senior Researchers in the Hub
Institute of Healthcare Management Project Portfolio
IHM has and will continue to provide solutions to national and international healthcare and development issues through research, consultancies, seminars, policy development and most importantly student and faculty exchanges.
LMG training for NMCP in 6 African Countries
PI: Ben Ngoye
- “Prof Kokwaro
- Jackline Ngure
- James Oyoo”
A grant was awarded to SBS the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to facilitate Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) training to the senior leadership of NMCP and MOH in 6 countries – Kenya, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Rwanda and Cameroon.
The primary objectives of this initiative are to develop and equip leaders and managers of National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) and Ministry of Health (MOH) to make effective use of data to inform decision making, to function effectively in their leadership and management roles, and to be able to attract resources and efficiently use those resources to sustainably and cost-effectively manage malaria (and other vector-borne disease) programs within the African context. This will allow high-burden malaria countries to transition from aid dependency to sustainable health system performance.
Value: USD 1.4M
Multiple First Line Treatment for Uncomplicated Malaria (MFT)
PI: Prof Kokwaro
- Prof Kokwaro
- Jackline Ngure
- Tim Chege
Multiple first line therapies (MFTs) have been proposed as a strategy to delay the emergence of malaria parasite resistance. Our overall aim is to pilot a practical framework for multiple first line therapies for uncomplicated malaria in a malaria-endemic region of western Kenya to generate information for scaling up of the concept to all parts of Kenya.
The study sites were;
- Homabay and Migori Counties
- To evaluate health system challenges associated with theuse of multiple first line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in 2 counties in a malariaendemic region of western Kenya.
- To conduct a mixed methods study to understand user and provider experiences, preferences, barriers and facilitators of use of MFTs for uncomplicated malaria.
- To assess the cost-effectiveness of MFTs to optimise management of Malaria.
- To gather and analyse the relationship between MFTs and the incidence/prevalence of molecular markers of resistance against antimalarials.”
PhD Fellowships In Digital Innovations & Diagnostics For Infectious Diseases In Africa (Di-Dida)
PI: Prof Kokwaro
- Timothy Chege
- Dosila Ogira
- Strengthen the African partners capacities through research of:
- co-morbidities infectious diseases / NCDs
- human-livestock infectious diseases interactions
- infectious diseases diagnostics technologies
- socio-economic factors of adoption of these technologies by African populations
- Technology development in diagnostics and digital tools and integration into existing data exchange infrastructures
Driving health progress during disease, demographic, domestic finance and donor transitions (the “4Ds”) in Kenya
PI: Prof Kokwaro
- Dr. Joseph Onyango (CO-PI)
- Dosila Ogira
The Institute for Healthcare Management at Strathmore University will be the primary research partner of the Center for Policy Impact in Global Health for the 4Ds study in Kenya.
There are three key components to the research the Institute for Healthcare Management at Strathmore University will undertake:
- Demographic and epidemiological modeling to project the changing needs of the population between 2019-2030;
- A costing study to determine how much it will cost to deliver universal health coverage that addresses the major contributors to Kenya’s disease burden; and
- Support to the Center for Policy Impact in Global Health on a mixed methods study to determine if Kenya has the capacity to finance universal health coverage given these disease and demographic transitions.
Consortium Composition:
- The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health (CPIGH), based in the Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI), Duke University
- Institute of Healthcare Management, Strathmore University Business School
Value: USD 55,200
Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Kenya’s health system and policy priorities in the short and long term
Funder: BMGF (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
PI: Prof. Gilbert Kokwaro
- Dr. Joseph Onyango (CO-PI)
- Dosila Ogira (Research Officer)
In this project, Strathmore University’s Institute of Healthcare Management is collaborating with Duke University’s Centre for Policy Impact in Global Health, to study how Kenya will navigate these unprecedented times. This study will aim to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the health sector in Kenya and how future policy priorities and health emergency preparedness has been affected by the pandemic. Given the key role of donors in the health sector, the study will also look at how the government, donors, and other key stakeholders are coordinating the country’s COVID-19 response.
This study is an addendum to an ongoing study titled : “Driving health progress during disease, demographic, domestic finance and donor transitions (the “4Ds”): policy analysis and engagement with transitioning countries
Consortium Composition:
- The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health (CPIGH), based in the Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI), Duke University
- Institute of Healthcare Management, Strathmore University Business School
Value: USD 4,175
Health Efficiency Audit to ensure Sustainable Domestic Funding for Health in Kenya
Funder: BMGF (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
PI: Prof. Gilbert Kokwaro
- Dr. Joseph Onyango (CO-PI)
- Eric Tama (Research Lead)
- Dosila Ogira (Research Officer)
One major source of inefficiency in Kenya relates to the way in which donors have funded individual health programs (e.g., an HIV program, a childhood vaccination program, etc.) that largely operate autonomously with potential overlaps and duplications. It will be difficult for Kenya to deliver and sustain health programs after transition if such autonomy is not addressed. The WHO argues that: “As contexts change, and in particular, as responsibility for funding these programs shifts more towards domestic resources, maintaining an array of programs with distinct, separate organizational arrangements is unlikely to be affordable.” Key gaps in transition planning have been identified and will be addressed by this work (there are many additional gaps that our new project would not address).
Below are the gaps identified in Kenya:
- Gaps in transition planning: Kenya is heavily reliant on DAH for key diseases and DAH for specific programs has led to each program operating autonomously, leading to
- large volumes of funds that cannot be replaced by domestic sources, and
- inefficiencies within services supported by donors
Proposed policy analysis/engagement: “Cross-programmatic” analysis to identify duplications, overlaps, and misalignments that will need to be addressed for successful transition from DAH.
Consortium Composition:
- The Center for Policy Impact in Global Health (CPIGH), based in the Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI), Duke University
- Institute of Healthcare Management, Strathmore University Business School
Value: USD 34,100
Availability of essential medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic: Level of preparedness and its effect on the implementation of UHC in Kenya
Funder: Africa Resource Center
PI: Prof. Gilbert Kokwaro
- Dr. Joseph Onyango (CO-PI)
- Dosila Ogira (Research Officer)
Kenya is one of the countries that has been largely affected with the COVID- 19 pandemic with the first case detected on March 12, 2020. Consequently, to date, the pandemic has spread rapidly in the country with devastating consequences on patients, health care workers and the health systems including the shock experienced by the supply chain hence affecting the availability of essential medicines.
In this project, Strathmore University’s Institute of Healthcare Management will study how Kenya will navigate these unprecedented times.
The key aims of the study are summarized below:
- AIM 1: Determine factors affecting access of essential drugs in Kenya due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- AIM 2: To assess health system capacity by identifying gaps that hinder provision of essential medicines to sustain efforts to manage pandemics like COVID-19.
- AIM 3: Provide recommendations to stakeholders on how to improve country preparedness for future pandemics, while aiming at achieving UHC.”
Value: USD 14,950
Sustaining Effective Coverage in the Context of Transition from external assistance – Lessons from Kenya
Funder:The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research (APHSR)-World Health Organization (WHO)
PI: Prof. Gilbert Kokwaro
- Dr. Joseph Onyango (CO-PI)
- Dosila Ogira (Research Officer)
- Annette Murunga (Research Officer)
The reduction of external donor support is not just a moment to make the case to national stakeholders – including ministries of finance and health – to consider increases in domestic spending on health to replace these external funds. These shifts also present an opportunity for countries to assess how the overall health system and its functional components – including service delivery, financing, human resources and governance – can be potentially adapted to enable continued effective coverage for priority interventions no longer supported through external funds.
Value: USD 59,972
African Health Diagnostics Platform (AHDP)
Funder:BMGF (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
PI: Prof. Frank Wafula
- Brenda Bunyasi
- Dr. Noelle Orata
- Dr. Peter Nguhiu
The African Health Diagnostics Platform (AHDP) project, which seeks to improve the accessibility and quality of diagnostic services through the implementation of an innovative public-private partnership (PPP) platform across four countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Rwanda. In addition to evaluating outcomes related to the AHDP, this study seeks to advance research on public-private partnerships (PPPs) for laboratory services in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Value: USD 574,000
Research and Innovation Systems for Africa (RISA)
PI: Prof. Frank Wafula
- Brenda Bunyasi
- Dr. Noelle Orata
- Cornelius Kiptoo
- Paul Waswa
- Dr. Lyndon Marani
- Annette Murunga
- Eliud Muriithi
- Irene Khayoni
- Dr. Elizabeth Gitau
Building ecosystem cohesion to improve county uptake, financing and scaling of RMNCAH and health system innovations
Value: £ 163,200
Location: Ole Sangale Road, Madaraka.
Postal Address: P.O. Box 59857 – 00200, Nairobi, Kenya.
Mobile: +254 703 034 414 / +254 703 034 000/200/300 or (+254) (0) 730 734000/200/300
Whatsapp: +254 (0) 746 091 242
Location: Madaraka Estate, Ole Sangale Road.
Postal Address: P.O. Box 59857, 00200, City Square, Nairobi, Kenya.
Mobile: +254 703 034 000/200/300 or (+254) (0) 730-734000/200/300
Fax: +254 20 6007498