January 29, 2024

Finishing What You Started

Shailja Sharma

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The proverb ‘’the longest mile is the last mile home,” really holds true when you commit to long projects. At first, there is excitement and novelty, and then momentum builds, and you are sailing along, that is- until you hit a roadblock, and then another, and slowly your inner engine begins to sputter and stops. Working as a Leadership and Career Coach has really helped me appreciate the tenacity it takes to see something through to the end as, most often than not, I have coached people who are tempted to quit when the finishing line is within sight. This is a very common problem and I often wonder what people could have achieved in life if they just persevered. If you are in a difficult situation and every fibre of your being wants to quit, remember the proverb above.

This article aims to impart some advice and tips on bracing yourself to become a ‘finisher.’

Remember why you started

I often advise people who are embarking on a long project or taking on a lengthy commitment, to journal and outline why they are taking this on and how it aligns to what they want out of life. Being very clear on your ‘why’ will help you in the difficult times. Be very cognizant of why you are doing what you are doing in life. Living on autopilot or trying to please others will only derail you later in life. Work with a coach to delineate your values, purpose, and vision for your life before making major decisions in your life. If your choices are in alignment with these foundational elements in your life, then you can draw on that inner conviction that you made the right decisions when times get tough.

Make it easier

When you break down difficult tasks into ‘bite-sized’ pieces, they become easier to tackle. Plan your project out and identify the milestones you are targeting to reach along the way. As you reach each milestone, celebrate your victory. With time, these victories will give you courage and the fortitude to persevere.

Work smart

One of my mentors helped me to navigate a challenging time in my life when there was so much to be done in a short-time and overwhelm was rearing its ugly head. I learned to identify ways to be creative and make use of all the resources available to me. If a project seems daunting and unmanageable, try to broaden your thinking. Are there more paths to the finishing line than you can currently identify? Try to think outside the box.

Dealing with uncertainty with faith

There are times in life that the path ahead may seem particularly thorny and uncertain. Rather than worrying in advance and wincing before you have even taken a step, remember that things sometimes seem worse than they are. Sometimes it just takes a step of faith to get you started and taking each day as it comes, will see you through to the end. Additionally, when you reach that last mile, pause, look back on your journey and remember where you started from and how much you have overcome. Quitting will seem like a less attractive option.

Control is an illusion

It is important to plan your life to ensure you are intentional about how you want your journey to unfold. I am a proponent of being a conscious creator in life. However, one of the lessons life has taught me, is that control is often an illusion and a device we use to deal with our own anxieties in life. With long-term projects, unexpected setbacks may occur. If you are a planner and things are not going your way, learn to relax and flow with life. Making the distinction between what you can control and what you cannot control will empower you to keep going. It will also help you to have peace of mind. Acceptance is a powerful emotion. If Plan A is not working, accept it. However, instead of quitting, think of Plan B. Accept and deal with events as they occur with composure and determination.

Finally, in the world of coaching, accountability is paramount. When you work with a coach or appoint an accountability partner, you are less likely to quit or fail to see something through. It helps to have someone in your corner that can encourage you and help you to keep your commitments. Furthermore, seek out mentors that have been in your shoes and succeeded.

As you approach that last mile, remember that there are many others that have gone before you. The same temptations and trials befell them, and they were still victorious. There is a Chinese proverb that may seem very apt in these situations: “it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” So, crawl if you must, but make it to the finishing line, it will be worth it!

Article by Shailja Sharma, Leadership and Career Coach and SBS Faculty member

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