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Submission Deadline: 15 March 2024

Who Should Attend This Event

Are you doing research that can be communicated effectively in a short (approximately 2500 words) article that is interesting, topical, current, and thought-provoking? Do you want to master the skill of writing such an article – one that addresses theoretical, empirical, practical, or pedagogical issues of value to the broad community of international business (IB) scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and educators – with an emphasis on applied insights? If your response to both of these questions is “Yes”, then this workshop is for you, because AIB Insights – one of three journals published by the Academy of International Business (the world’s leading association of international business scholars) – provides an outlet for precisely such work!

Writing for AIB Insights requires a different approach, relative to journals such as Journal of international Business Studies or Journal of International Business Policy. This paper development workshop will enable scholars to gain developmental feedback on ideas and manuscripts that they are considering for submission to AIB Insights. We invite original submissions and ideas from researchers at all levels of experience, and particularly encourage junior scholars and PhD students to attend.

Workshop Structure

Day 1: On May 28th, participants will make an initial presentation about their submitted paper topic, and receive comments on the manuscript in its current state of development. This feedback will be used to develop a second presentation on Day 2 of the PDW (May 29th).

Participants will receive training on best practices for publishing in applied journals such as AIB Insights. They will also participate in sessions on other aspects of research, including a session on doing research from an African perspective. During the evening, participants will work on revised versions of their paper idea presentations, incorporating both the specific feedback and learnings from the training sessions.

Day 2: On May 29th, participants will present the revised version of their manuscript, which incorporates the feedback from the prior day. This day will also include a session on Africa in the broader emerging market context, additional research training, and a tour of Strathmore University. It will end with a gala dinner event in the evening.

How to Submit a Paper Idea

To participate in the AIB Insights PDW, scholars must submit a short (maximum of 1000 words) manuscript that describes an idea for an AIB Insights article.

Authors of idea papers that are accepted for the PDW will have the opportunity to receive two rounds of detailed comments from members of our editorial team (editors and/or members of the editorial review board) during the PDW.

The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2024, in the submitting author’s time zone. Please consult the AIB Insights “For Authors” page when preparing the submission. To submit, please send your file as an attachment to an email addressed to BOTH newburry@fiu.edu and elizabeth.rose@iimu.ac.in with the subject line: AIB Insights Nairobi PDW Submission.

What to Do if Your Paper is Accepted

By submitting a manuscript, you are committing that at least one of the idea paper’s authors will participate in the full PDW – in-person, in Nairobi – if the submission is accepted. Participants must register in order to attend the Nairobi 2024 AIB Insights PDW.

Financial Support

AIB has a limited number of scholarships to offer doctoral student and junior faculty participants from outside of Nairobi with accepted proposals. The funding will cover:

-Accommodation at the Hill Park Hotel for up to three nights, 27-30 May 2024.
-A $200 stipend to apply towards other conference/travel expenses.

Scholarship notifications will be provided at the time of proposal decisions. There will be no registration fee for this PDW.

Post-PDW Publication Opportunity

The PDW is designed to aid authors in developing manuscripts for submission to AIB Insights. We hope that many of the submitted idea papers will develop into published in the journal. All submissions will be subject to AIB Insights’ usual double-blind submission process; participation in the PDW does not guarantee publication. Some of the papers are expected to appear in a special AIB Insights issue focused on international business in the African context.